
SELECT * FROM wf_special WHERE sid= ORDER BY sid LIMIT 1
执行错误: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ORDER BY sid LIMIT 1' at line 1

34.         $this -> arrSql [] = $sql ;
35. if( $result = mysql_query ( $sql , $this -> conn ) ){
36. return $result ;
37. }else{
38. if( mysql_error ()!= '' ){
39.                 syError ( " { $sql } 执行错误: " . mysql_error ());
40. }else{
41. return TRUE ;
42. }
43. }
44. }
3. class db_mysql {
4. public $conn ;
5. public $arrSql ;
6. public function getArray ( $sql )
7. {
8. if( ! $result = $this -> exec ( $sql ) )return array();
9. if( ! mysql_num_rows ( $result ) )return array();
10.         $rows = array();
11. while( $rows [] = mysql_fetch_array ( $result , MYSQL_ASSOC )){}
12.         mysql_free_result ( $result );
13.         array_pop ( $rows );
50. }else{
51.             $sort = "ORDER BY { $this -> pk } " ;
52. }
53.         $sql = "SELECT { $fields }  FROM { $this -> tbl_name } { $where } { $sort } " ;
54. if( null != $limit ) $sql = $this -> _db -> setlimit ( $sql , $limit );
55. return $this -> _db -> getArray ( $sql );
56. }
58. public function escape ( $value )
59. {
60. return $this -> _db -> __val_escape ( $value );
22. if ( $this -> _db -> showtables ( $value )== 0 ){return TRUE ;}else{return FALSE ;}
23. }
25. public function find ( $conditions = null , $sort = null , $fields = null )
26. {
27. if( $record = $this -> findAll ( $conditions , $sort , $fields , 1 ) ){
28. return array_pop ( $record );
29. }else{
30. return FALSE ;
31. }
32. }
11. if( $this -> syArgs ( 'file' , 1 )!= '' ){
12.             $this -> special = syDB ( 'special' )-> find ( ' htmlfile="' . $this -> syArgs ( 'file' , 1 ). '" or sid=' . $this -> syArgs ( 'file' ). ' ' );
13.             $tid = $this -> special [ 'sid' ];
14. }else{
15.             $sid = $this -> syArgs ( 'sid' );
16.             $this -> special = syDB ( 'special' )-> find ( " sid=" . $sid . " " );
17. }
18. if(! $this -> special ){ message ( "指定8868体育官方网站不存在" );}
20.         $this -> db = $GLOBALS [ 'G_DY' ][ 'db' ][ 'prefix' ]. $this -> special [ 'molds' ];
11.     $handle_controller = syClass ( $__controller , null , $GLOBALS [ 'G_DY' ][ "controller_path" ]. '/' . $__controller . ".php" );
12. if(! is_object ( $handle_controller ) || ! method_exists ( $handle_controller , $__action )){
13.         syError ( 'route Error' );
14. exit;
15. }
16.     $handle_controller -> $__action ();
17. if( FALSE != $GLOBALS [ 'G_DY' ][ 'view' ][ 'auto_display' ]){
18.         $__tplname = $__controller . $GLOBALS [ 'G_DY' ][ 'view' ][ 'auto_display_sep' ].
19.                 $__action . $GLOBALS [ 'G_DY' ][ 'view' ][ 'auto_display_suffix' ];
20.         $handle_controller -> auto_display ( $__tplname );
21. }
65. require( DOYO_PATH . "/sys.php" );
67. spRun ();
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